

by Rachel Pilgrim on Sep 20, 2021


Where are the teas crafted? 

All teas and oils are crafted in a FDA certified kitchen as per state law in Westchester County, NY. All tea bags and tea accessories are food safe. Herbs are certified USDA organic, non-GMO verified, kosher, and fair trade. 

How long should I steep my teas? 

Approximately, 3-5 minutes per cup. Our teas are not made from powders, but whole flowers, leaves and roots (go ahead, open up a tea bag!), guaranteed to get you multiple cups of tea. So sometimes that means some tea bags take just a bit longer than usual and you may have to do a taste test. 

Can I reach out for special blends or herb recommendations? 

Of course you can! Please send a direct message to @tlmhapothecary on Instagram or email stating what you're in need of and we'll be glad to offer advice or create something special for you at an affordable price. 

Why do you have disclaimers on some of your products? 

Yes, herbs are great and can significantly aid in your mental, spiritual and sometimes physical condition. HOWEVER, we here at The Land of Milk & Honey Apothecary LLC. do not diagnose or treat illnesses or diseases of any sort. Please consult your medical care provider if you are unsure about any products on the site. 

Shipping & Handling Policy

All items are shipped using the United States Postal Service from Mount Vernon, NY. Orders regularly ship in 2-3 business days. International shipping is not supported at this time. The Land of Milk & Honey Apothecary LLC. is no longer responsible for packages after the first delivery attempt by your mail carrier. Please reach out to your post office if a package is delayed or lost in transit. TLMH insures all packages given to the post office, and will reimburse you if the mail carrier confirms that it cannot locate your order. 

Return & Replacement Policy 

Please email within 24 hours of receipt. If there is shipping damage to your products, please attach pictures in order to receive a new item. Full refunds guaranteed in extraordinary cases. 



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